Blue Free Image Resources
Here is a list of "Free Blue Stock Photos" available on this website. Photock provides free Japanese landscape photos for use in website creation, YouTube, and other creative projects. No registration, credit attribution, or reporting is required. Feel free to edit, trace, and customize the photos as you wish.Terms of Use are here.
949 free stock photos have been found.
Cherry blossoms and buildings
Hie Shrine
Hie Shrine
Shinjuku Koshu Highway
JR Shinbashi Station
Near Tokyo station
Around the Imperial Palace
Umihotaru cutter face
Lake Kawaguchi
Office building
Looking towards Kisarazu from Umihotaru
Sumida river and boat
Lake Tama (Murayama Reservoir)
White bird
Around the Imperial Palace
Okinawa sea
Swan Bridge
Road and blue sky
Nagoya TV Tower
Ryogoku Bridge
Shinohashi Street (Chuo-ku, Tokyo)
Fukuoka castle
Sasson Expressway
Buildings and trees
Lake Yunoko
Looking towards Kawasaki from Umihotaru
Tama River
Umi no Nakamichi